Build a Twitter Bot from Scratch using Golang

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Golang

How to Build a Twitter Bot Using Golang From Scratch

Twitter bots are automated programs that interact with Twitter users and can help you accomplish various tasks. The possibilities are endless – they can help you track hashtag usage, respond to customer service queries, monitor keywords, and more. And, with the help of Go, you can easily create your own Twitter bot.

Step 1: Set Up Your Twitter App

The first step in building your Twitter bot is to create a Twitter app. To do this, head over to Click on "Create New App" and fill out the necessary information. Once you're done, you'll be presented with a consumer key and consumer secret that you'll need for the next step.

Step 2: Configure Your Bot

In this step, you'll use the consumer key and consumer secret from the previous step to configure your bot with the Twitter API. For this tutorial, we'll be using the go-twitter library, which you can install with the command:

go get -u

With the library installed, you can now configure your bot with the following code:

config := oauth1.NewConfig("Consumer Key","Consumer Secret")
token := oauth1.NewToken("Access Token","Access Token Secret")

httpClient := config.Client(oauth1.NoContext, token)

Replace the placeholders with the consumer key and consumer secret from Step 1. You will also need to request an access token and access token secret from the Twitter API.

Step 3: Create Your Bot Functionality

Now that you've configured your bot, you can create some basic functionality. For this example, we'll create a bot that searches for a specific hashtag and retweets any tweets it finds. To do this, you'll need to use the SearchTweets function from the go-twitter library. Here's an example of how to use it:

searchParams := &twitter.SearchTweetParams{
    Query: "#golang",

searchResults, _, _ := client.Search.Tweets(searchParams)

This will search for the hashtag #golang and store the results in the searchResults object. Then, with a simple for loop, you can retweet any tweets you find with the following code:

for _, tweet := range searchResults.Statuses {
    _, _, err := client.Statuses.Retweet(tweet.ID, nil)
    if err != nil {

And that's it! Congratulations, you now have a working Twitter bot built with Golang.


Twitter bots can be extremely powerful tools for automating various tasks. With Go, it's easy to quickly build your own Twitter bot. In this tutorial, we've gone over the basics of how to set up a Twitter app, configure your bot, and create some basic functionality. Good luck and have fun creating your own Twitter bots!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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