Join our JavaScript course (2023-2024) and go from beginner to advanced! Learn the latest techniques and best practices in JavaScript programming.

Course Timeline:
In this session we will lean, History and evolution, JavaScript engines and runtimes
In this session we w...
In this Lesson we will learn, Variables and data types, Operators, Comments and whitespace
In this Session we w...
In this lession we will learn about , Conditional statements (if, else, switch), Looping structures (for, while, do-while), Loop control statements (break, continue)
In this session we w...
in this Lession ○ Function declaration and expressions ○ Parameters and arguments ○ Return values and scope ○ Closures and lexical scope ○ Arrow functions
In this lession we w...
In This Lession we will learn about, Creating arrays, Accessing and modifying array elements, Array methods (forEach, map, filter, reduce, etc.), Multidimensional arrays
In this lession we w...
int this Lession we will learn about ○ Introduction to the Document Object Model ○ Selecting and manipulating DOM elements ○Creating and appending elements
in this wession we w...
In this Lession we will learn about, bject creation and properties, Methods and prototypes, Object destructuring, Object-oriented programming concepts
In this Lession we will learn about, Try-catch statements, Throwing and handling custom errors
In this Session we w...
in this lession we will learn about , Callbacks, Promises and chaining, Async/await syntax, Fetch API and AJAX
In this lession we w...
In this lession we will learn about , Template literals, Destructuring, Spread and rest operators, Classes and inheritance, Modules and imports/exports
In This Session we W...
in This Lession we will lean about, Event handling and listeners, Event propagation phases (bubbling, capturing), Event object properties and methods
In this lession we w...
In this lession we will learn about, Pure functions, Higher-order functions, Immutability and data transformation, Function composition
In this Session we w...
In this Lession we will learn about, Window object and global scope, Timers (setTimeout, setInterval), Local Storage and Session Storage, Geolocation API
In this Session we w...
In this lession we will learn about, Making HTTP requests, Fetch API and Promises for AJAX, Handling JSON data
In This session We w...
In this Lession we will learn about, Module Systems, CommonJS vs. ES6 modules, Importing and exporting modules
In this session we w...
In this lession we will learn about, Creating and resolving promises, Promise.all, Promise.race, Chaining promises
In this session we w...
In this Lession we will learn about, Creating and using regular expressions, Matching patterns in strings, RegExp methods and flags
In this session we w...
in this Lession learn about,Console methods, Browser developer tools, Debugging techniques
Frameworks and libraries in JavaScript

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  • By: Shubham Singh
    10 months ago

    Great website