THIS course is not for beginners, this is for who already knows about cpp

Course Timeline:
In this lesson we will see course Curriculum
This Chapter, Includes introduction about, Overview, Features of C++ Object Oriented features, Encapsulation, Data abstraction,Polymorphism,Inheritance, Compilation Stages, and Procedures in C++
In this Chapter we will Learn about , the Resolution Operator (: :) , Reference Variable, Variable Vs Pointer,Function in C++ , Inline Function , Macros and Inline Function,Namespace,Datatype In C++, Function Overloading, DMA, Structure in C++
In this Chapter, we will learn about, Class and Object, This pointer , Friend Function, Friend Class, Constructor, Shallow copy, Deep copy, Dynamic Construction
Destructor Difference B/w Constructor or Destructor Mutable Static Data Member Static Member Function Operator Overloading Inheritance Function Overloading Virtual Function
in This Lesson Exception Handling we will learn about, Stack Unbinding, Singleton Class ,Function Pointer, Threading in C++ ,Ways To Create Thread In c++. ,Lambda function, Member function., Static member function, Joinable()
In this lesson, we will learn about, Deprecated Features Compatibilities with C, Enhancement features, Type Inference, decltype, Parameter Forwarding in C++,
In this lesson we will learn about ,Perfect Forwarding, Control flow, Templates,Variadic Templates(C++11)
Extern templates Type Alias Templates(C++11) Recursive Templates Function Object-Oriented Override(C++11) Final(C++11) Strong Typed Enumeration
In this Lesson We will Learn about, Lambda Expression(C++11), Reference Capture, Implicit capture, Generic Lambda, Function Object Wrapper, Rvalue Reference(C++11), Literals In Programming, lvalue, rvalue, prvalue, value Rvalue Reference And Lvalue Reference, Move semantics., Perfect forwarding
In this Lesson, We will Learn About, Linear Container, std::list, std::array, Iterators, std::forward_list, std::vector, std::queue, std::deque, std::stack, Unordered Container, std::map, std::set
In this Lesson, We will Learn About, RAII and Reference Counting, Smart Pointers, std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr

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