Advantages & Disadvantages of Ring Topology

09 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Networking

Ring Topology: Advantages & Disadvantages

Ring topology is a network design where nodes are connected in a circular loop, so that each node is linked to exactly two other nodes. The data is transmitted in a single direction around the ring, so that each node can receive data from one of its neighbours and transmit it to the other. Ring topology has some advantages, such as increased security and more efficient network performance, but also some disadvantages, such as a single point of failure and slower data transmission speeds.


  • Increased Security: Since the data travels in only one direction, it has to pass through each node before reaching its destination. This means there is less chance of intruders or malicious traffic entering or leaving the network.
  • Efficient Network Performance: The data passes through each node in the same direction, so bottlenecks are not likely to occur in the network. This leads to better overall network performance.
  • Cost-Effective: Setting up a ring topology requires fewer cables and devices than other types of networks.


  • Single Point of Failure: If a node on the network fails, the rest of the network will be affected as the data cannot pass through the broken node.
  • Slower Data Transmission: Since the data passes through each node, it takes longer for it to reach its destination than it would in other types of networks.
  • Difficult to Expand: Adding new nodes to a ring topology is more difficult than other types of networks.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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