Angular 15, latest features,, deep dive

07 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Web development

What’s New in Angular 15: Deep Dive into Latest Features of Angular 15

The latest version of Angular, Angular 15, has been released. It includes many new features and bug fixes that will make developing with Angular even easier. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the new features of Angular 15 and how they can help you with your development.

Improved Performance

Angular 15 includes several new performance improvements. The first is the new Component Factory Resolver (CFR) which is faster than the old View Engine. This reduces the time it takes to render components and makes for an improved user experience. Additionally, the size of the generated JavaScript has been reduced, further improving performance.

New Language Service

In Angular 15, there is a new language service called NGLS-CLI. This allows developers to quickly get up and running with Angular without having to know all the details. NGLS-CLI provides auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging functions all in one place. With this new language service, developers can get their projects up and running faster.

Easier Debugging

Another new feature in Angular 15 is improved debugging capabilities. Debugging in Angular can be a difficult process, but with the new Angular 15 features, it is now simpler than ever. With the new Change Detection mechanism, you can easily identify what code needs to be optimized, and with the Augury tool, you can visualize code execution for easy debugging.

Better Error Handling

Angular 15 also has better error handling capabilities. This makes it easier to catch errors and diagnose their cause. With the improved error handling, developers can quickly identify the source of the problem and resolve it before it becomes a bigger issue.


Angular 15 is a great upgrade and provides many new features and improvements that will make it easier for developers to use. These include improved performance, a new language service, easier debugging, and better error handling. If you're looking to upgrade to Angular 15, make sure to take advantage of all these new features.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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