Instagram, Creator, Income, Tools, Resources, Earning, Maximize

06 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

New Instagram Tools to Help Creators Earn More Income

Social media has revolutionized the way creators can make money. Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for creators to make income, but with the ever-changing landscape of marketing, it can be challenging to stay ahead of the game. Recently, Instagram has released some new tools to help creators maximize their earnings.

Shop Now Button

One of the biggest changes coming to Instagram is the addition of the “Shop Now” button. This feature allows creators to link directly to their storefronts from their Instagram profiles, so followers can more easily purchase their products or services. This could be a great way to increase earnings by making it easier for people to buy what you’re selling.


Instagram TV (IGTV) has been gradually gaining traction, and now creators can monetize their videos with ads. This revenue stream can be a great way to supplement what you make from your other content. Plus, it’s another way to engage with viewers and potentially increase brand awareness.

Partner Program

The Partner Program is an exclusive opportunity for select creators to monetize their content through different activities, such as creating sponsored posts or collaborating with brands. This program can help you get started earning money from Instagram, and it’s a great way to open up potential partnerships with brands.


With the right strategy, these new Instagram tools can help creators earn more income. Be sure to take advantage of the features that best suit your business goals and create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Good luck!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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