Google Docs, Google, Coding, JavaScript, Python, CSS

25 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 AI/ML

Google Bard Adds Coding Capabilities

Google Bard is a new coding language developed by Google that promises to make coding easier and less complicated. The language, which is based on JavaScript, is designed to let developers quickly write simple programs and applications that are easy to read and understand. With its simplified syntax and built-in functions, it's a great tool for beginners who want to start coding. And with added features like debugging and refactoring, it's a powerful choice for experienced coders too.

Google Bard offers a range of coding capabilities, including support for debugging, which is a process of troubleshooting and fixing problems with a program or application. It also supports language-specific refactoring, which is the process of making code more concise, readable, and maintainable. In addition, it also has support for code completion, which helps developers quickly fill in common code snippets that are often used.

Google Bard also supports library management, meaning developers can keep track of the different libraries they are using in their projects. This helps to keep the code organized and makes it easier to use the same snippets of code over again. Additionally, Google Bard enables users to use unit tests and automated testing, which helps to ensure that the code works as expected.

Google Bard is a great choice for anyone wanting to learn how to code or for those wanting to master a new programming language. With its intuitive syntax and built-in capabilities, it's easy to get started coding with Google Bard. So what are you waiting for? Get coding today and see what Google Bard can do for you!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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