History of Java
java comes from SUN Mc system is know as Oracle corporation & designed by the Jame Gosling. it has first version is JDK 1.0 and developed in 1996, january 23 , some of the used verson org JDK5.0, some of version other JAVA6, JAVA7 & some of the latest vesrion JAVA7,JAVA8, JAVA9 lunch in this april. it is an open source software. it have some Strong Features like Object-oriented, Platform Independent, Dynamic, Secure Robust,Portable
Version Code Name Enhancements
1.JDK1.0[Jan,23,1996] OAK Language Introduction
2.JDK1.1[Feb,19,1997] ---- RMI,JDBC,Reflection API ,Java Beans,Inner classes
3.JDK1.2[Dec,8,1998] Playground Strictfp,Swing,CORBA,Collection Framework
4.JDK1.3[May,8,2000] Kestrel Updations on RMI,JNDI
5.JDK1.4[Feb,6,2002] Merlin Regular Expression, NIO, asser Keyword,JAXP,...
6.JDK5.0[Sep,30,2004] Tiger Autoboxing, var-arg method,static import, Annotations ,..
7.JAVA SE6[Dec,11,2006] Mustang JDBC4.0,GUI updations, Console
8.JAVA SE7[Jul,28,2011] Dolphin Strings in switch,'_' symbol in literals,try-with-
9.JAVA SE8[Mar,18,2014] spider Interface improvements,Lambda Expression, Date-
Time API, Updations on Collections