Make Your Underlines Visible - Customize CSS to Make Underlines Easier to See in Chrome
Why CSS Underlines Are Too Thin and Too Low in Chrome
CSS underlines are a crucial part of any website’s design, so it’s important to make sure they look good. Unfortunately, Google Chrome has caused some issues with the look of underlines, making them too thin and too low.
The root of the issue lies in the way Chrome renders fonts. It adjusts the space between the letters, making the lines thinner than expected. This creates an unwanted visual effect that detracts from the aesthetics of a website.
To fix this issue, web developers can use the line-height property when styling underlines. Doing so will ensure that the lines come out looking as intended—thick and correctly spaced.
Additionally, you may need to adjust the font size of your text to ensure that the underline appears in the right spot. If the text is set to the wrong size, the underline will appear lower than desired.
By following these two steps, web developers can ensure that their CSS underlines appear correctly in Google Chrome. This will result in a better-looking site for visitors, so it's an important step to take.