Understanding Lambda Expressions in C++

22 Nov 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C++

Lambdas in C++

Lambda expressions are a powerful feature of C++. They allow you to create anonymous functions that can be passed as arguments to other functions or used as variables. They are often used to simplify code and to make it more expressive.

A lambda expression in C++ is a way to define an anonymous function in a more convenient way than the traditional function declaration. Lambdas are generally used to create callables, which can be passed to other functions as parameters. This provides a concise way to write functions without declaring them separately.

Basic Syntax of a Lambda Expression:

[capture](parameters)->return type { body }

The capture clause can contain the variables which will be captured by the lambda expression. It is optional. The parameters are the function’s arguments, similar to a normal function. The return type is the type of the value returned by the lambda expression, or void if nothing is returned. The body contains the source code executed when the lambda expression is called.

There are two ways to capture variables in the capture clause – by value and by reference. Capturing a variable by value copies its value into the lambda, while capturing by reference gives the lambda access to the original variable.

Lambdas are very versatile and can be used in many different contexts. They can be used to implement functions with variable arguments, to implement callbacks, and to extend STL algorithms. They can also be used in combination with threading to create asynchronous tasks.

Lambda expressions are a great addition to the language and can help to simplify code and make it more expressive. Understanding how they work and how to best use them is key to taking advantage of their benefits.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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