Control Flow in Haskell Programming Language

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Haskell Programming language

Control Flow in Haskell Programming Language

Control flow structures help to direct the order of operations in a program. Haskell, like many other programming languages, offers several control flow structures to enable the programmer to achieve result specific sequences.

One of the most commonly used control flow structures in Haskell is the if-then-else structure. The basic premise behind the if-then-else structure is that if some condition is met, then a certain action is performed, otherwise another action is taken. In Haskell, the syntax for this is as follows:

if condition then 

Another useful control structure in Haskell is the case-of statement. This essentially allows the user to test multiple conditions and execute different statements depending on which one is true. The syntax for this is as follows:

case expression of 
    condition1 -> action1
    condition2 -> action2
    condition3 -> action3

Finally, Haskell has some more advanced control structures such as lambda functions and recursion. Lambda functions allow the user to execute a certain action when a specific condition is met. This is done by creating a function with the desired action, and then passing it as an argument to another function which checks for the condition. For example, this could be done as follows:

foo(x) = 
    (\y -> action) x

Recursion is also a useful tool in Haskell. It allows a programmer to execute the same set of instructions repeatedly until a certain condition is met. This is done by calling a function within itself, and using an if statement to check whether the desired condition has been met. For example:

factorial(n) = 
    if n == 0 
    then 1
    else n * factorial(n - 1)

These are just a few of the control flow structures used in Haskell, but they are among the most popular and useful. Understanding how to use them properly can make your code much more efficient and effective.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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