Building a Robot Car that Accepts Voice Commands and Operates Autonomously with Arduino

11 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 µC - µP

Use Arduino to Create a Robot Car that Accepts Voice Commands or Operates Autonomously

Who knew that using Arduino to build a robot car that accepts voice commands or operates autonomously was even possible? With the right hardware and software, it is! In this article, we will outline the steps you need to take to create a robot car that can move on its own and be controlled by your voice.

What Is An Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source platform created to enable users to interact with and control physical devices through programming. It is a great tool for prototyping projects, and can be used to create robots of all kinds. Using an Arduino microcontroller, a few components, and some software, you can make a robot car that will follow your commands.

Parts Needed To Build A Robot Car with Arduino

To assemble your robot car with Arduino, you will need:

  • Arduino board (e.g. Arduino Uno, Mega, or Leonardo)
  • Motor driver IC (e.g. L298N Motor Driver Controller Board)
  • DC motor(s)
  • Battery pack
  • Wheels
  • H-bridge circuit (for dual DC motor control)
  • Voice recognition module (optional)

Steps to Assemble the Robot Car

Once you have gathered the necessary components mentioned above, you can start building your robot car. Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Connect the Arduino board to the computer and upload the code to it.
  2. Assemble the H-bridge circuit and connect it to the Arduino board.
  3. Connect the motor(s) to the H-bridge circuit and supply power to them from the battery pack.
  4. Attach the wheels to the motor shafts and then mount the motor assembly to the chassis.
  5. If using a voice recognition module, connect it to the Arduino board.
  6. Upload the code to the Arduino board and test the robot car.


Building a robot car with Arduino is a fun and exciting project that can help you gain a better understanding of robotics, electronics, and programming. Follow the steps outlined in this article and you will be able to construct a robot car that can accept voice commands or operate autonomously.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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