Master the Basics of Google Search Operators

14 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

How to use Google Search Operators

Google has many different search operators that allow you to precisely search for information on the web. They are useful for advanced users of Google search who want to find specific information quickly and accurately. Using these operators can help save you a lot of time when you’re doing research.

Basic Operators

The most basic operator is the "site:" operator which lets you search for a specific website. For example, if you wanted to search all articles published on TechRadar, you would type in "". This will return a list of results containing only content from Techradar.

Another basic operator you can use is the "intitle:" operator, which allows you to search for a specific term or phrase within the title of an article or webpage. For instance, if you wanted to find a guide on HTML coding, you could type in "intitle:HTML coding guide" to bring up articles with titles including that phrase.

Advanced Operators

More advanced operators allow you to make more complex searches. One example is the "related:" operator, which lets you find websites related to a specific website. For instance, if you wanted to find sites related to TechRadar, type in "". This will return a list of websites that are related to TechRadar.

Another advanced operator is the "inurl:" operator which allows you to search for a specific word or phrase in the URL of a webpage. For instance, if you wanted to find webpages about CSS coding, you could type in "inurl:css coding". This will return a list of pages that include the phrase “CSS coding” in their URL.


Google search operators provide a great way for advanced users to find specific information quickly and accurately. By using operators such as “site:" , "intitle:", "related:", and "inurl:" you can refine your search to produce highly personalized results.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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