Understand Namespaces In TypeScript And Improve Your Code Structure

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

What Are Namespaces in TypeScript?

Namespaces are a powerful tool for controlling the scope of names in TypeScript. They allow you to encapsulate complex types and functions and organize them in a hierarchical fashion. Using namespaces, you can keep from cluttering the global namespace with multiple types and functions with similar names.

A namespace is a way of grouping together related features. For example, all of the features related to drawing a shape on the HTML canvas might be grouped into a single namespace called "Canvas". Then all of the functions related to drawing a line, circle, rectangle, etc. would all be within the scope of the "Canvas" namespace.

Namespaces provide benefits like:

  • It avoids name conflicts.
  • It provides better code organization and structure.
  • It provides easy access to all the related features of a library or framework.

To declare a namespace in TypeScript, use the syntax namespace NameOfNamespace. You can then add multiple types and functions inside this namespace. All of these types and functions will be scoped by this namespace. This means that other namespaces or the global scope will not have access to them.

How to Use Namespaces in TypeScript

Using namespaces in TypeScript is simple. First, you'll need to declare a namespace. This can be done at the top of a file, or in a separate file entirely:

namespace MyNamespace {
  // Types and functions here

Once the namespace is declared, types and functions can be added inside it. To add a type, simply use the class keyword:

namespace MyNamespace {
  class MyType {
    // Properties and methods here

To make use of a type or function defined within a namespace, the namespace must be imported first. This is done using the import keyword:

import {MyNamespace} from './my-namespace';

let myType = new MyNamespace.MyType();

And that's it! Namespaces are an incredibly useful tool for keeping code organized and avoiding name conflicts. With namespaces, you can easily group together related types and functions, and make use of them anywhere in your project.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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