Learn TypeScript Classes Today: Comprehensive Training and Tutorials

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Understanding TypeScript Classes

TypeScript classes provide a simple and convenient way to create objects in TypeScript. Classes provide the basic structure for creating objects, including properties and functions that are associated with those objects. In this article, we’ll take a look at what TypeScript classes are and how they can be used to improve our code.

What Are TypeScript Classes?

TypeScript classes are a type of object-oriented programming that enables us to organize our code into self-contained units. Each class has its own set of properties and functions that define how it behaves. TypeScript classes are similar to JavaScript classes, but with an improved syntax that makes them easier to use.

Why Use TypeScript Classes?

Using TypeScript classes makes it easier to write and maintain code. By organizing our code into self-contained units, we can easily reuse the same code throughout our program. This makes debugging easier and more efficient. Additionally, TypeScript classes enable us to take advantage of modern features such as inheritance and interfaces, which make our code more organized and manageable.

How to Define a TypeScript Class

To define a TypeScript class, we first need to use the "class" keyword followed by the name of the class. Then, within the class declaration, we need to declare any properties and methods that will be associated with the class. Here is an example of a TypeScript class:

class Employee {
    public name: string;
    public age: number;
    constructor(name:string, age:number) { 
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
    getDescription() : string{ 
        return `Name: ${this.name}, Age: ${this.age}`; 

In this example, the "Employee" class is defined with two properties (name and age) and one method (getDescription). Note that all properties and methods must be declared within the class declaration.

Creating Instances of a TypeScript Class

Once you have created a TypeScript class, you can use it to create objects (instances) of that class. To do this, you simply need to call the “new” operator followed by the class name, passing in any arguments that may be necessary for the constructor:

let employee1 = new Employee("John", 32);
let employee2 = new Employee("Jane", 27);

Here, two instances of the “Employee” class are created, each with different values for their name and age properties.


TypeScript classes provide an easy and convenient way to create objects in TypeScript. With TypeScript classes, we can organize our code into self-contained units and easily create and manage objects. If you are looking for a way to make your code more organized and efficient, then TypeScript classes are definitely worth considering.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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