Python Strings Tutorial – In-Depth Guide with 55+ Code Examples

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Python Strings: An In-Depth Tutorial (55+ Code Examples)

Python strings are one of the most important data structures in Python. They are used to represent textual data and can be manipulated, accessed, sliced, and concatenated to perform various operations. In this tutorial, we'll go through a detailed explanation of strings and their related concepts. We’ll also dive into code examples that could help you understand the concept better.

What is a Python String?

A string in Python is a sequence of characters contained within single or double quotation marks. Python strings can be created with either single quotes '' or double quotes "" and can contain any characters, including numbers, words, symbols, and even whitespace. Strings can be of any length, as long as they are enclosed in quotation marks.

Creating a Python String

Creating a Python string is simple. You just have to enclose a sequence of characters between single or double quotation marks. Here's an example of creating a string with double quotes:

my_string = "Hello World!"

Accessing Characters From Strings

Python strings are zero-indexed, meaning that the first character in a string is at index 0, the second character is at index 1, and so on. To access a particular character from a string, simply use its index number inside square brackets. Here's an example:

my_string = "Hello World!"
# Access the 6th character
print(my_string[5])  # Output: W

Slicing Strings

Python strings can be sliced in order to extract only the desired part of a string. This is done by using the slicing operator (:) along with the starting index and the ending index of the characters you want to extract. Here's an example:

my_string = "Hello World!"
# Slice the string
print(my_string[6:11])  # Output: World

Concatenating Strings

One way to combine two or more strings in Python is to use the plus (+) operator. This is called string concatenation and works like this:

# Define two strings
string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "World!"
# Concatenate the strings
print(string1 + string2)  # Output: HelloWorld!

Other Operations With Strings

Apart from the operations listed above, there are several other operations that can be performed with strings in Python. These include:

  • Finding the length of a string
  • Replacing a substring with another string
  • Breaking a string into a list of substrings
  • Checking if a substring is present in a string
  • Converting a string to upper- or lowercase


In this tutorial, we took an in-depth look at strings in Python. We discussed what strings are, how to create them, how to access characters, slice strings, concatenate them, and a few other operations. Hopefully, this has helped you get a better understanding of strings in Python.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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