Rule Ordering and Backtracking

21 Oct 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Prolog Programming language


Rule Ordering and Backtracking in Prolog programming

Rule ordering

Rule ordering in Prolog is the order in which the Prolog interpreter tries to match rules with goals. Prolog tries to match rules from top to bottom, and if a match is found, Prolog tries to satisfy the subgoals of the rule in the order in which they are written.

The order of rules can have a significant impact on the efficiency of a Prolog program. For example, if a program has a rule that is very likely to fail, it is best to put that rule at the bottom of the program so that Prolog does not try to match it with goals until all other rules have failed.


Backtracking is a technique that Prolog uses to find solutions to goals. When Prolog tries to satisfy a goal, it may need to make a choice between different ways to satisfy the goal. If Prolog makes a choice that leads to a failure, Prolog backtracks to the previous choice and tries again.

Backtracking can be very useful for finding solutions to complex goals, but it can also lead to inefficiency if Prolog has to backtrack many times. The order of rules can affect the amount of backtracking that Prolog has to do. For example, if a rule that is very likely to fail is at the top of the program, Prolog may have to backtrack many times before it finds a solution to a goal.

Writing efficient Prolog programs

When writing Prolog programs, it is important to consider the order of rules and the potential for backtracking. Here are some tips for writing efficient Prolog programs:

  • Put rules that are very likely to succeed at the top of the program.
  • Put rules that are very likely to fail at the bottom of the program.
  • Avoid writing rules that have many subgoals that are likely to fail.
  • If possible, break down complex goals into smaller, simpler goals.


Consider the following Prolog program:

parent(alice, bob).
parent(bob, charlie).
parent(charlie, david).

ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).

This program defines a predicate ancestor/2, which takes two arguments, X and Y, and returns true if X is an ancestor of Y. The ancestor/2 predicate is defined recursively, with the first rule matching direct parent relationships and the second rule matching indirect parent relationships.

Now, consider the following query:

?- ancestor(alice, david).

This query asks if Alice is an ancestor of David. Prolog will first try to match the query with the first rule of the ancestor/2 predicate. This will fail, because Alice is not David's direct parent.

Next, Prolog will try to match the query with the second rule of the ancestor/2 predicate. This will succeed, because Alice is David's indirect parent. Prolog will then try to satisfy the subgoals of the second rule, which are parent(alice, Z) and ancestor(Z, david).

The subgoal parent(alice, Z) will succeed with the binding Z = bob. The subgoal ancestor(bob, david) will also succeed, because Bob is David's direct parent.

Therefore, Prolog will succeed with the query ancestor(alice, david).

If the second rule of the ancestor/2 predicate had been written at the top of the program, Prolog would have had to backtrack once before finding a solution to the query. This is because Prolog would have first tried to match the query with the first rule of the ancestor/2 predicate, which would have failed.



Rule ordering and backtracking are important concepts in Prolog programming. By understanding how rule ordering and backtracking work, programmers can write more efficient Prolog programs.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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