How to Send Messages on Telegram using Python

03 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

How to Send Messages on Telegram using Python


Telegram is an increasingly popular messaging app that allows users to send text, photos, videos and even files. It is a very versatile platform, and can be used in many different ways. One of the most useful features of Telegram is the ability to send messages programmatically with Python. By using Python, you can use the Telegram API to send messages to specific people, groups or channels.

Steps to Sending Messages on Telegram with Python

Step 1: Setting up Your Telegram Bot

Before we can start sending messages on Telegram, we need to create a bot. This is accomplished by using the BotFather Bot in Telegram, which will guide us through the process of setting up our bot. To do this, open Telegram and search for the BotFather account. Then, type /start to begin the process.

Step 2: Acquiring the Bot Token

Once you've created your bot, you will be provided with a unique authentication token that can be used to access the Telegram API. This token must be kept secret and should never be shared with anyone.

Step 3: Installing python-telegram-bot

Before we can begin sending messages, we need to install the python-telegram-bot module. This module is a Python wrapper around the Telegram API, and can be installed using the pip command: pip install python-telegram-bot

Step 4: Writing the Code to Send Messages

Once the module is installed, we need to write some code to actually send the message. This is done using the Bot class from the python-telegram-bot module. The code for sending a message is as follows: from import Bot bot = Bot(token='YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') bot.send_message(chat_id='YOUR_CHAT_ID', text='Hello, world!') The chat_id is the ID of the user or group you want to send the message to, and the text is the message that you want to send.

Step 5: Running the Program

Once you have written and saved your code, you can now run it to send messages. Simply run the python script, and the message should be sent to your desired recipient.

To send messages on Telegram using Python, you will need to use the Telegram Bot API. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Create a Telegram bot by following the instructions given by the BotFather. You will receive a token that you will need to use in your Python code.

  2. Install the telegram-bot package using pip: pip install python-telegram-bot.

  3. Import the necessary modules in your Python code:

import telegram
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters
  1. Set up the bot using the token:
bot = telegram.Bot(token='YOUR_TOKEN_HERE')
  1. Use the bot's send_message method to send messages. Here's an example:
bot.send_message(chat_id='CHAT_ID_HERE', text='Hello, world!')

Replace CHAT_ID_HERE with the chat ID of the recipient (you can get this by sending a message to the bot and calling update.message.chat_id in the MessageHandler function) and Hello, world! with the message you want to send.

  1. Run your Python code and your bot will send the message to the specified chat ID.

Here's an example of a complete Python script that sends a message to a chat ID:

import telegram

bot = telegram.Bot(token='YOUR_TOKEN_HERE')
bot.send_message(chat_id='CHAT_ID_HERE', text='Hello, world!')

Remember to replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE and CHAT_ID_HERE with your bot token and the recipient's chat ID respectively.

Remember to replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE and CHAT_ID_HERE with your bot token and the recipient's chat ID respectively.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to send messages on Telegram using Python. We have seen how to set up a Telegram bot, acquire the bot token, install the python-telegram-bot module, write the code to send messages, and finally, how to run the program. With the help of the Telegram API and Python, you can now easily send messages from your program to any user or group.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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