Stolen Content Search, Meta Lets, Facebook, Instagram, Brand Protection, Electro4U

06 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

Meta Lets Brands Search Facebook & Instagram For Stolen Content

Meta is making it easier for brands to protect their intellectual property on Facebook and Instagram. The company is introducing new search functionality for its Brand Rights Protection tool, which allows businesses and brands to search for stolen content by image. This means that brands can now quickly and easily identify other accounts that are using their copyrighted images without permission.

To use the new search functionality, brands simply need to upload an image to the Brand Rights Protection tool. The tool will then search Facebook and Instagram for other posts that use the image. Brands can then report these posts to Meta, which will investigate and remove the infringing content if necessary.

The new search functionality is part of a series of updates to Meta's Brand Rights Protection tool. Other recent updates include the ability to search for infringing content by video and the ability to report infringing content across multiple Meta platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Meta's investment in Brand Rights Protection is a positive step for brands of all sizes. It shows that the company is committed to helping brands protect their intellectual property and build a strong online presence.

How to use Meta's Brand Rights Protection tool

To use Meta's Brand Rights Protection tool, you must first create an account and register your trademarks. Once you have registered your trademarks, you can start using the tool to search for and report infringing content.

To search for infringing content, simply upload an image or video to the tool. The tool will then search Facebook and Instagram for other posts that use the image or video. If you find any infringing content, you can report it to Meta by clicking the "Report" button.

Meta will investigate your report and remove the infringing content if necessary. You will be notified of the outcome of your report.

Tips for protecting your intellectual property on Facebook and Instagram

  • Register your trademarks with Meta. This will give you access to Meta's Brand Rights Protection tool and other features designed to help brands protect their intellectual property.
  • Use watermarks on your images and videos. This will make it more difficult for people to steal your content without permission.
  • Monitor your social media accounts regularly for infringing content. You can use Meta's Brand Rights Protection tool to help you with this.
  • Report any infringing content to Meta immediately.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your intellectual property on Facebook and Instagram.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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