Taming the Cascade with BEM & Modern CSS Selectors

25 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 MERN Full Stack

Taming the Cascade With BEM and Modern CSS Selectors

CSS is a powerful and complex language, and it can be difficult to write maintainable styles that follow best practices. The cascade is the heart of CSS and can make debugging and maintenance tricky. Fortunately, modern CSS selectors and BEM methodology can help you tame the cascade and write more modular and structured code.

BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier and is a way of writing HTML and CSS where classes are used to indicate the purpose of each element. Each class follows a strict naming convention, so it’s easy to understand what an element does and how it should behave. This convention helps keep your HTML organized and makes it easier to target certain elements or styles with CSS.

Modern CSS selectors, such as attribute selectors, pseudo-classes, nesting selectors, and media queries, allow you to target elements with more precision than ever before. It’s now possible to style elements without having to add extra classes or manually override existing styles. These selectors can also help reduce redundancy in your code by allowing you to use common styles across multiple elements.

By combining BEM and modern CSS selectors, you can create clean, organized, and maintainable styles that are easy to debug and extend. This combination will help you cut down on code bloat, optimize performance, and ensure cross-browser compatibility.

If you want to write maintainable styles that take advantage of both BEM and modern CSS selectors, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Be consistent with your naming conventions. Stick to the same prefixes and syntax for all elements so that you can easily identify what element a class is applied to.
  • Minimize the number of classes used to style an element. Use the cascade, attribute selectors, pseudo-classes, and media queries to style the same element with fewer classes.
  • Use nesting selectors wisely. Nested selectors can quickly become unmanageable and hard to debug, so make sure your nesting is logical and not excessive.
  • Shipping times for media queries. Structure your media queries according to device type (mobile, tablet, desktop) rather than breakpoints to better optimize your code.

By following these tips, you can create clean and maintainable styles using BEM and modern CSS selectors. Taking the time to properly structure your HTML and CSS will save time in the long run, and you’ll be able to deploy faster and more bug-free code.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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