All About Testing and Benchmarking in Rust

19 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Rust Programming

Testing and Benchmarking in Rust

Testing and benchmarking are two important aspects of software development. Testing helps to ensure that your code is working correctly, and benchmarking helps to measure the performance of your code.

Rust provides a number of features for testing and benchmarking. The test crate provides a basic testing framework, and the criterion crate provides a more sophisticated benchmarking framework.

To write a test in Rust, you create a function that is annotated with the #[test] attribute. The #[test] attribute tells the Rust compiler to run the function as a test. For example, the following code defines a test function that checks whether the add_two function correctly adds two numbers:

fn it_adds_two_numbers() {
    let expected = 4;
    let actual = add_two(2);
    assert_eq!(expected, actual);

To run the tests in your Rust project, you can use the cargo test command. The cargo test command will run all of the tests in your project, and it will report any failures.

Benchmarking in Rust is done using the criterion crate. The criterion crate provides a number of features for benchmarking, including the ability to measure the execution time, memory usage, and CPU usage of your code.

To write a benchmark in Rust, you create a function that is annotated with the #[bench] attribute. The #[bench] attribute tells the Rust compiler to run the function as a benchmark. For example, the following code defines a benchmark function that measures the execution time of the add_two function:

fn bench_add_two() {
    let mut bencher = criterion::Benchmark::new("add_two");
    bencher.iter(|| add_two(2));

To run the benchmarks in your Rust project, you can use the cargo bench command. The cargo bench command will run all of the benchmarks in your project, and it will report the results of the benchmarks.


Testing and benchmarking are important tools for ensuring the quality of your Rust code. By writing tests and benchmarks, you can help to ensure that your code is working correctly and that it is performing well.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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