Understanding TypeScript Generics

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Understanding TypeScript Generics

Generics are a powerful way of adding type safety to your code by allowing you to parameterize types. The basic idea behind generics is that you can write a single piece of code that works with different types, while still ensuring type safety. In this article, we’ll cover what generics are, how they work, and how you can use them in your TypeScript code.

What Are Generics?

Generics are a way of creating reusable components that allow you to write code that works with many different types without having to repeat yourself. By using generics, you can define a component once, then reuse it many times with different types. This makes your code more concise and maintainable.

How Do Generics Work?

Generics are defined using angle brackets (<>) that contain type parameters. Type parameters allow you to specify the types that the generic will be able to use. For example, a generic function could look like this:

function myGenericFunction(input: T): T { return input; }

In this example, the function is generic because it has a type parameter (T) that can be used to represent any type. When we call the function, we can specify the type that we want it to use:

let myString: string = myGenericFunction("Hello");

This will ensure that the function will only accept and return strings. You can also use multiple type parameters if you need to pass in multiple types to your generic:

function myGenericFunction<T, U>(input1: T, input2: U): T { return input1; } let myString: string = myGenericFunction<string, number>("Hello", 123);

In this example, we’re using two type parameters (T and U). This allows us to pass in two different types (string, number), but the function will only return values of type T.

Using Generics in TypeScript

In TypeScript, generics can be used to create generic classes, functions, and interfaces. Generic classes are classes that accept one or more type parameters, which can be used in the class definition. Generic functions are functions that accept one or more type parameters, which can be used in the function’s body. Generic interfaces are interfaces that accept one or more type parameters, which can be used in the interface definition.

Generics can be used to make complex data structures that are type safe and readable. For example, we can use generics to create a type-safe linked list:

interface LinkedList { value: T; next: LinkedList | null; } const list: LinkedList = { value: "Hello", next: { value: "World", next: null } };

In this example, the LinkedList interface is generic because it has a type parameter (T) that is used to specify the type of the value property. This ensures that all of the values in the linked list are of the same type.


Generics are a powerful tool for creating type-safe components in TypeScript. By using generics, you can write code that is more concise and maintainable, and that is also type-safe. In this article, we’ve covered what generics are and how they work, as well as how to use them in TypeScript.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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