Utilizing :where() for Efficient CSS Resets

26 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 MERN Full Stack

Using the Specificity of :where() as a CSS Reset

CSS Resets are an important tool when beginning to work with HTML and web design. They help to create consistency by setting baseline styles for all HTML elements and override any browser-specific or platform-specific styling. The :where() selector provides the specificity needed to reset HTML elements and create a consistent user experience.

The :where() selector allows for more specific targetting of HTML elements. While traditional resets use asterisks (*) to select all elements, :where() uses more precise CSS selectors such as classes, ids, and attributes. This allows for greater control over which elements will be targeted by the reset. For example, you could target only certain classes or only certain attributes within classes.

Using :where() as a CSS Reset can be beneficial because it enables you to target specific elements and override any existing inline styles applied to those elements. By using :where() instead of a general asterisk, you’re able to create more consistent styling across the board. Plus, it’s an easy way to ensure that your code is properly formatted and structured.

Using CSS Resets is an essential part of writing clean and maintainable code. Forgetting to reset elements can lead to headaches down the line, so it’s best to stay ahead of the game by using :where() as a CSS Reset. It’s an easy, effective way to make sure your HTML elements all look consistent and professional.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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