Understanding and Working with Kotlin Companion Objects

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Kotlin

Working with Kotlin Companion Objects

Kotlin companion objects are a great way to create static-like behavior in an object-oriented language. They can be used to store constants, provide access to a class’s internal state, or to provide utility functions that operate on a class instance. In this article, we’ll explore how companion objects work and how to use them effectively.

What is a Companion Object?

A companion object is a special kind of object that is scoped to a particular class – like a ‘static’ member. It is declared within the class body, and it has access to all of the members of its containing class. Unlike ordinary objects, a single instance of a companion object is shared across all instances of its containing class.

The syntax for declaring a companion object looks like this:

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        // members here

The companion object can then be referenced with the class name rather than an instance, using the syntax MyClass.memberName. This makes it much easier to access the members of the companion object from within the class.

Use Cases for Companion Objects

There are several uses for companion objects. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Constants: Companion objects are a great place to store constants, such as configuration settings or other static values that need to be accessed from multiple places in the code.
  • Static-like functions: Companion objects can contain static-like utility functions that operate on a class instance but do not require any state information. For example, a toJson() function could be written to serialize a class instance into a JSON string.
  • Accessing private state: Companion objects offer a convenient way to grant access to a class’s internal state without exposing that state publicly. This is especially useful for classes that need to be unit tested, as it allows the test code to inspect and alter the state of the class without requiring additional visibility modifiers.


Kotlin companion objects offer an elegant way to achieve static-like behavior while keeping the advantages of an object-oriented language. They can be used to store constants, provide access to a class’s internal state, or to provide utility functions that do not require any state information. With companion objects, you can give your classes the flexibility they need to be maintained easily, while at the same time keeping their internal workings safely hidden away.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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