What is a Class E IP Address?

09 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Networking

What is an E Class IP Address?

An E-class IP address is an Internet Protocol (IP) address that belongs to a certain range in the IPv4 address space. It is one of the five classes of available IP addresses and intended for large private networks. An E-class IP address is denoted by the first three octets of the IP address being between "" and "".

Purpose of an E-Class IP Address

E-class IP addresses are mainly used for local business networks to provide private communication within the closed system. This prevents any external access or “leaking” of confidential data outside of the network. It also helps identify any malicious traffic trying to enter the system.

Advantages of an E-Class IP Address

E-class IP addresses are beneficial for providing internal networking functionality with maximum security and privacy. They allow large organizations to create their own internal networks without having to invest in a lot of public IP addresses, as they can all be based on the same prefix. Additionally, they have the capacity to support up to 65,000 available hosts per network, allowing for tremendous scalability and flexibility.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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