What is a Subnet Mask and How Does it Work?

09 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Networking

What is a Subnet Mask?

A subnet mask is a number used to identify which parts of an IP address are part of the host's network and which parts identify the host itself. It's a vital part of IP addressing, allowing networks to be divided into a structure that computers and other devices can understand.

How Does a Subnet Mask Work?

When an IP address is assigned to a device, the IP address is divided into two parts: the network portion and the host portion. The subnet mask defines which part is the network portion and which part is the host portion. Subnet masks are written in four octets using decimal numbers and separated by periods, similar to an IP address. The most common use of a subnet mask is to create a private network with a corresponding public address. The private network has a unique subnet mask associated with it, and all the devices on this network use the same subnet mask. By using the same subnet mask on all the devices, the routers and other devices in the network can distinguish between the public and private addresses.

Why Do We Need Subnet Masks?

Subnet masks are essential for routing traffic to the correct device. Without subnet masks, routers would not be able to differentiate between network and host addresses, which could cause significant problems. Subnet masks also help increase network security by segmenting it into smaller networks. This reduces the chances of malicious actors gaining access to the entire network. Additionally, subnet masks enable administrators to impose access restrictions on certain devices or networks.


Subnet masks play an important role in keeping networks secure and efficient. They allow routers to distinguish between public and private addresses, and can also be used to securely segment a network. By understanding how subnet masks work, you can better manage your network and ensure its security.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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