What is Polymorphism in cpp?

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C++

Polymorphism in C++

Polymorphism is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows objects to be treated as instances of their base class, even when they may actually be instances of derived classes. This enables different classes to provide a common interface for methods, but with different implementations.

Types of Polymorphism in C++:

Compile-Time (Static) Polymorphism:

  • Achieved through function overloading and operator overloading.
  • Occurs at compile time, where the appropriate function or operator is determined based on the arguments or operands.

Example of Function Overloading:

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

double add(double a, double b) {
    return a + b;

Run-Time (Dynamic) Polymorphism:

  • Achieved through virtual functions and inheritance.
  • Occurs at run time, where the appropriate function to be called is decided based on the actual type of the object.

Example of Virtual Functions:

class Shape {
    virtual void draw() {
        cout << "Drawing a shape." << endl;

class Circle : public Shape {
    void draw() override {
        cout << "Drawing a circle." << endl;

Key Points about Polymorphism:

  • Base Class and Derived Class: Polymorphism requires a base class (or interface) and one or more derived classes that inherit from the base class.

  • Virtual Functions: In C++, for run-time polymorphism to occur, the base class should declare at least one virtual function. This function can be overridden in the derived classes.

  • Override Keyword: When a function in a derived class is intended to override a virtual function from the base class, the override keyword is used. This helps catch errors at compile time if the function does not actually override a virtual function.

  • Pointers and References: Polymorphism is typically achieved through pointers or references to the base class. This allows objects of derived classes to be treated as objects of the base class.


    Shape* shapePtr = new Circle();
    shapePtr->draw(); // Calls the draw() function of Circle
  • Dynamic Binding: The actual function call is determined at runtime based on the type of the object being pointed to or referred to, rather than the type of the pointer or reference itself.

Benefits of Polymorphism:

  • Flexibility and Extensibility: Allows for the creation of generic code that can work with objects of different types, providing flexibility in design.

  • Simplifies Code Maintenance: Promotes code organization and reduces the need for conditional statements, making code easier to maintain and extend.

  • Enables Frameworks and Libraries: Enables the creation of reusable libraries and frameworks that can be extended by users through inheritance and polymorphism.

In summary, polymorphism in C++ is a powerful mechanism that allows objects to exhibit different behaviors based on their actual type. This promotes code flexibility, reusability, and maintainability, making it a crucial concept in object-oriented programming.

Further Reading:

For further information and examples, Please visit[ course in production]

Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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