Working with ECMAScript Modules in TypeScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Working with ECMAScript Modules in TypeScript

ECMAScript (ES) modules are becoming increasingly important in both server and client side JavaScript development. ES modules provide an alternative to the traditional CommonJS module system, which has been the de facto standard for almost two decades. The TypeScript language takes advantage of ES modules, allowing developers to make full use of their features and capabilities.

What Is An ES Module?

An ES module is a type of JavaScript file that follows the ES Modules specification. ES modules are written in standard JavaScript and contain code that uses the import and export declarations to specify which other files or modules this particular file needs, and what it provides to other files. These declarations allow modules to be connected together in a way similar to how classes are connected in object-oriented programming, creating organized code that is easy to maintain and update.

TypeScript And ES Modules

TypeScript fully supports the ES Modules specification. This means that you can use the same code written in a *.ts file with the import and export declarations just like you would in a *.js file. All of the same features are available such as dynamic import() functions, default exports, named exports, and more. Additionally, TypeScript also allows you to use the export = syntax to write code compatible with the CommonJS module system, making it easy to migrate existing projects from one system to another.


ECMAScript modules are a great way to structure your JavaScript code and make it easier to maintain and extend. TypeScript makes it easy to take advantage of all of the features of ES modules, allowing you to write code with the import and export declarations just like you would in a normal JavaScript file. In addition, TypeScript also allows you to use the export = syntax to make code compatible with the CommonJS module system, making migrations easier.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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