Measure Your YouTube Video Performance with the 'First 24 Hours' Metric

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube Analytics Adds ‘First 24 Hours’ Metric

YouTube has recently released a new metric called "First 24 Hours" that allows creators to measure the performance of their videos within the first 24 hours of uploading. This is a valuable tool for creators who want to understand how their videos are performing and identify areas for improvement.

To access the "First 24 Hours" metric, go to the YouTube Creator Studio and select the "Analytics" tab. Then, select the "First 24 Hours" option from the date picker in the top right corner.

The "First 24 Hours" report will show you a variety of metrics, including:

  • Total views
  • Watch time
  • Average view duration
  • Subscribers gained/lost
  • Revenue earned (if monetized)

You can also compare the performance of two videos side-by-side by selecting the "Compare" button. This is a great way to see how different videos are performing and identify trends.

Why is the first 24 hours so important?

The first 24 hours are crucial for the performance of a YouTube video. This is when the video is most likely to be seen by new viewers and subscribers. If a video performs well in the first 24 hours, YouTube's algorithm is more likely to promote it to a wider audience.

How to use the "First 24 Hours" metric to improve your videos

The "First 24 Hours" metric can be used to improve your videos in a number of ways. For example, you can use it to:

  • Identify which topics are most popular with your audience.
  • See how different video formats and lengths perform.
  • Determine which thumbnails and titles are most effective.
  • Track the impact of your promotional efforts.

By understanding how your videos perform in the first 24 hours, you can make adjustments to your content and strategy to improve your overall results.

Here are some tips for improving your YouTube video performance in the first 24 hours:

  • Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.
  • Optimize your videos for search by using relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions.
  • Promote your videos on social media and other channels.
  • Use engaging thumbnails and titles.
  • Interact with your viewers by responding to comments and questions.

By following these tips, you can improve the performance of your YouTube videos in the first 24 hours and reach a wider audience.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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