Demonstrating a Memory Protection Unit System in an ARM Processor

01 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 ARM

MPU (Memory Protection Unit) System in ARM Processors

The Memory Protection Unit (MPU) system is an important feature included in ARM processors. This system helps protect memory from incorrect access or malicious code. It does this by designating certain areas of memory for privileged or non-privileged access. With the help of an MPU, a system can be designed to grant only authorized access to certain data and guard against memory corruption or buffer overflow attacks.

How Does the MPU Work?

The MPU works by allowing the programmer to define regions of memory. Each region contains a base address, a size, and access privileges for that region. For each region, the programmer can specify whether it can be read, written, or accessed by the processor. The processor then enforces these access rights so that only authorized access is allowed.

Benefits of an MPU

A major benefit of using an MPU is enhanced system security. By using an MPU, the programmer can ensure that unauthorized code or data cannot access sensitive information stored in RAM. Additionally, an MPU prevents an application from accidentally corrupting RAM, which can lead to system instability and crashes.


The Memory Protection Unit (MPU) system is an important feature of ARM processors. It helps protect memory from incorrect access and malicious code by allowing the programmer to designate certain areas of memory for privileged or non-privileged access. The MPU also provides enhanced security and helps to prevent RAM corruption, which can lead to system instability and crashes.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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