5 Free Julia Books For Data Science

19 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Julia programming language

5 Free Julia Books For Data Science

Julia is an open-source programming language that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It is especially popular in the data science and scientific computing communities, thanks to its easy-to-use syntax and powerful features. If you're looking to learn more about Julia, here are five free books that can help you get started.

1. Julia for Data Science

Written by Ted Underwood, this book provides an introduction to the Julia programming language. It covers the basics of the language, as well as how to use Julia for data science tasks such as linear algebra, machine learning, and data visualization. The book also includes several examples of data analyses using Julia.

2. Advanced Julia Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide

This book, written by Dan Emery, is designed for those already familiar with Julia. It walks readers through advanced topics such as custom types, debugging, profiling, parallel programming, and more. With lots of code samples and clear explanations, it's a great resource for intermediate and advanced Julia programmers.

3. Julia High Performance Programming

If you're interested in writing efficient code in Julia, then this book by Malcolm Sherrington is a great resource. It provides useful advice on topics such as memory management, garbage collection, and writing efficient code. With lots of example code and real-world use cases, it's a must-read for Julia developers.

4. Deep Learning With Julia

This book by Avik Sengupta provides an introduction to deep learning with Julia. It covers topics such as neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and more. With plenty of example code and real-world applications, it's a great resource for those just getting started with deep learning using Julia.

5. Julia Programming Cookbook

This book by Shashi Gowda provides detailed recipes for doing a variety of tasks in Julia. From data manipulation to plotting, it covers a wide range of topics. It also includes lots of code samples and real-world examples, making it a must-read for anyone looking to become a proficient Julia programmer.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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