Learn to Use Python Ternary Operations: Benefits and Examples

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Python Ternary: How to Use It and Why It’s Useful (with Examples)

Using Python’s ternary operator is a great way to save time and reduce code when working with boolean expressions. A ternary operator uses three elements within a single expression, and can be used as an alternative to using the traditional if and else statements. This article will explain how to use Python's ternary operator, why it’s so useful, and provide examples of how to use it in your projects.

How to Use Python’s Ternary Operator

Python’s ternary operator consists of three elements: the condition, the true statement, and the false statement. When using the operator, all three of these elements must be included. The condition is what is being evaluated (i.e. “if x is greater than y”), the true statement is what will happen if the condition is true (i.e. “print x”), and the false statement is what will happen if the condition is false (i.e. “print y”). All of these elements are combined into a single expression that is written as follows:

condition ? true_statement : false_statement

For example, if you wanted to print the larger of two numbers (x and y), you could use the following expression:

x > y ? print(x) : print(y)

Why It’s So Useful

Using Python’s ternary operator can help to simplify and shorten your code significantly. It allows you to write an if and else statement in a single expression instead of having multiple lines of code. This reduces the number of lines of code needed while also improving readability, making it easier to understand what your code is doing. Additionally, it can help speed up the development process by reducing the amount of time needed to write and debug code.


Here are a few examples of how to use Python’s ternary operator in different scenarios.

  • Print the larger of two numbers:
    x > y ? print(x) : print(y)
  • Set a variable based on a condition:
    x > y ? x_is_greater = True : x_is_greater = False
  • Check if a list contains a certain element:
    element in list ? print("Element found") : print("Element not found")


Python’s ternary operator is an incredibly useful tool for quickly evaluating conditions and taking action based on the result. It can help to reduce the amount of code needed while also improving readability. We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to use Python’s ternary operator, why it’s so useful, and provided some examples of how to use it in your own projects.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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