Analyzing Search Volume Shifts with Google Trends

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

Tracking Search Volume Shifts with Google Trends

Google Trends can help you track how search volume for a topic is shifting over time. This type of analysis can be incredibly useful for understanding trends in consumer interest, and for spotting important shifts in behavior. Here’s how to get started with tracking search volume shifts using Google Trends.

Step 1: Input Your Search Terms

The first step in tracking search volume shifts with Google Trends is to enter the terms you want to track. You can use up to five different terms in your query. For example, you might want to compare the search volume of three different companies in the same industry.

Step 2: Select Your Region and Time Period

The next step is to select the region and time period you want to analyze. This can be as specific as a single country or as broad as multiple continents. You can also select a specific time period, such as the last 6 months, or you can compare over longer periods of time.

Step 3: Analyze Your Data

Once you have entered your search terms and selected your region and time period, you can begin to analyze the data. The graph will show you the relative search volume of each term, as well as any peaks or troughs in the data. This can help you identify any shifts in consumer interest or behavior, and provide insights into how different search terms are performing.

Step 4: Make Adjustments

Once you’ve analyzed the data, you may want to make adjustments to your comparison. You can add or remove search terms, narrow or broaden your region, or adjust the time period you’re analyzing. This can help you get a more precise picture of how the search terms are performing over time.


Using Google Trends to track search volume shifts can be a powerful tool for gaining insights into consumer behavior. By selecting different search terms, regions, and time periods, you can gain an understanding of how different topics or products are performing in the marketplace.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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