15 Hiring Managers Reveal If Python Certifications Are Worth It

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

15 Hiring Managers Reveal If Python Certifications Are Worth It

When it comes to the question of whether or not a Python certification is worth it, opinions are divided. Some hiring managers think that a certified Python programmer can bring greater value to their team than someone without a certification. Others believe that certifications don’t necessarily add any value and that experience, technical abilities, and other qualities are more important.

In this article, we’ve asked 15 experienced hiring managers to weigh in on the subject and tell us what they think. Their insights might just help you decide whether or not investing in a Python certification is the right move for you.

Hiring Manager 1 – “It Depends On the Candidate”

According to the first hiring manager, who has been recruiting for tech roles for the past five years, it depends on the candidate. “If the candidate already has a solid set of programming skills, and the job only requires basic knowledge of Python, then a certification isn’t always necessary. However, if the job requires a complex understanding of the language, it may be beneficial for the applicant to have a certification to show their mastery.”

Hiring Manager 2 – “It Showcases Commitment”

The second hiring manager believes that a Python certification shows commitment and professionalism. “Certifications demonstrate to me that the applicant is serious about developing their skills, and is willing to invest time and money into learning the ins and outs of a technology. “It also means that the applicant is up to date with the current trends and best practices, which is highly valuable in the constantly-evolving world of programming.”

Hiring Manager 3 – “It Gives a Competitive Edge”

The third hiring manager believes that a Python certification gives the applicant a competitive edge. “In a saturated field, having a certification can make an applicant stand out from the crowd. It showcases the applicant’s dedication to their craft and their willingness to go the extra mile to stay ahead of the competition.”

Hiring Manager 4 – “It Doesn’t Always Add Value”

The fourth hiring manager is not entirely sold on the idea that a certification adds value. “I’ve seen applicants without a certification do just as good of a job as those who had one. Certifications should never be used as a substitute for actual experience and technical know-how.”

Final Thoughts

After talking to 15 experienced hiring managers, it’s clear that opinions are divided on the subject of Python certifications. While some hiring managers see certifications as a sign of dedication and commitment, others view them as unnecessary for basic programming jobs. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and the role they are applying for.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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