Array Assignments in c
Mastering Array Assignments in C: Tips and Examples
Find the maximum and minimum element in an array.
- Write a program to find the largest and smallest element in an array.
Reverse an array.
- Write a program to reverse the elements of an array.
Find duplicates in an array.
- Write a program to find and print all the duplicates in an array.
Rotate an array.
- Write a program to rotate an array by a given number of positions.
Find missing elements in an array.
- Given an array of integers from 1 to N with one element missing, write a program to find the missing element.
Merge two sorted arrays.
- Write a program to merge two sorted arrays into a single sorted array.
Sort an array of 0s, 1s, and 2s (Dutch National Flag Problem).
- Given an array containing only 0s, 1s, and 2s, write a program to sort it.
Find the "Kth" maximum and minimum element in an array.
- Write a program to find the Kth maximum and minimum element in an array.
Implement a stack using arrays.
- Write a program to implement a stack using arrays and perform basic operations like push, pop, etc.
Implement a queue using arrays.
- Write a program to implement a queue using arrays and perform basic operations like enqueue, dequeue, etc.