What are the types of errors are occurred in C ?
There are two types of Errors in c programming.
Compile-time error
Run time error
Compile Time Error: Compile-time Error is one type of error generated by the compiler
There are three types of Compile-time Error
- Pre-processor Error
- Translator Error
- Linker Error
1. Pre-processor Error: Pre-processor Error is responsible for a Header file
2. Translator Error: Translator Error Responsible for checking step by step compilation
► Note: cc -s p1.c
►using this Command we are informing the compiler to stop Compilation after Translator
3. Linker Error: Linker Error: responsible for checking linkage with different object files with main object files.
- This Error occurs when after compilations we link the different files with main object files.
- These are generated when the executable files of the program can not be generated
- this may be due to wrong function prototyping incorrect header file
Assembler Error: Assembler Error get only when you or someone changes the code
► Note: cc -c p1.c
► using this Command we are informing the compiler to stop Compilation after Assembler
Run Time Error: cRun Time error is one type of error Generated by OS (operating system).
There are three types of run time error
- Segmentation Fault Error
- floating-point exception error
- Bus error
1. Segmentation Fault Error: unauthorized memory access or unreserved memory access
2. floating-point exception error: Floating point error occurs when any number dived with zero is happened (dived with Zero error)
n3=n1/n2; //floating point error
3. Bus Error: if we are loading more than capacity in bus then bus error will get occurs.A bus error is a low-level hardware error
Q1. Who generates the compile-time Error?
Q2. Who generates the run time Error?
ANS:-OS (operating system)