"Instagram, Shadowban, Test, Prevent, Tips"

06 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

How To Test And Prevent Instagram Shadowban

Instagram’s shadowban has been a major issue for many users. The “shadowban” is a way for Instagram to put a limit on the way it allows you to interact with other users. When a user is shadowbanned, their posts and stories won’t appear in any hashtag search results or on Explore pages.

So how can you tell if you have been affected by the Instagram Shadowban? Here are some ways that you can test and prevent it from happening:

Test For the Shadowban

  • Check your account analytics. If you’re seeing a dramatic decrease in engagement, then it’s possible you’ve been shadowbanned.
  • Search for hashtags you usually post with. If your posts don’t appear in the search results, then it’s likely you’ve been shadowbanned.
  • Ask a friend to search for your posts or stories. If they can’t find them, then you may have been shadowbanned.

Prevent Instagram Shadowban

  • Only use hashtags relevant to your content – don’t use too many at once.
  • Avoid using banned hashtags. These can trigger a shadowban.
  • Avoid using automated activity on your account. This includes bot comments, likes, and follows.
  • Don’t overuse the same filters, or post the same content too many times.
  • Mix up your content to keep it interesting. Use stories, IGTV, and videos as well as photos.

Following these tips should help you avoid getting Instagram’s shadowban. If you do find yourself shadowbanned, give it some time and make sure you’re following the above tips. Your posts should eventually start appearing again!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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