Troubleshoot Problems with Google Search Console-

14 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

How to Troubleshoot Problems with Google Search Console

Are you having trouble troubleshooting problems with Google Search Console? Whether it’s a problem with the indexing of your website or any other issue, the solution is simpler than you may think. This guide will help you identify and fix your problem quickly.

1. Check Google Search Console for Errors

The first step when troubleshooting Google Search Console issues is to check for errors. You can do this by logging into your account and clicking ‘Search Console’ on the left-hand side menu. Here you’ll be able to view a list of any errors that have been flagged up, as well as the date they were detected. Make sure to take the time to read through each issue and decide what the best course of action is. Additionally, if you notice any recurring errors, consider fixing them before they become a bigger issue.

2. Check for Any Ranking Changes

Once you’ve addressed any errors, the next step is to take a look at your website’s search rankings. Log in to your Google Search Console account again and click on ‘Performance’ in the left-hand side menu. This will help you see how well your pages are performing and if there has been any change in visibility. If you notice any significant drops or drops in comparison to other websites, you’ll have to investigate further.

3. Look for Technical Issues

If your rankings have dropped or stayed the same, the next step is to look for technical issues. Check if your pages are loading correctly and that there are no broken links. Additionally, make sure the meta tags of your webpages are properly configured so the search engine can understand them. To do this, use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to assess your website’s content and generate reports with any errors or potential issues.

4. Analyze Your Internal Links

Another important element to consider when troubleshooting Google Search Console issues is your website’s internal links. It’s important that all of your pages are linked to one another and optimized correctly. A great tool to use is Screaming Frog again, as it allows you to pinpoint any broken internal links, as well as analyze the quality of your anchor text. Make sure to fix any issues as quickly as possible.

5. Check Your External Links

Finally, don’t forget to take a look at how many external links you have pointing to your website. Sites such as ahrefs or majestic can help you identify which websites are linking to you and where. It’s important to make sure that the external links you have are from reputable sources, as having too many low-quality links can negatively affect your rankings.


Troubleshooting problems with Google Search Console may seem daunting, but with the right steps you can easily identify and resolve any issues. First, check for errors, then look for changes in your rankings. Next, analyze your website’s technical setup, internal links, and external links. With this guide, you should have no problem understanding and solving potential problems with Google Search Console. Good luck!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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