Building an Arduino-Powered Sumo Robot - All You Need To Know

13 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 µC - µP

Arduino Sumo Robot: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Your Own

Making an Arduino Sumo Robot is a fun and challenging project that involves programming and building skills. Here's a general overview of the steps involved in making an Arduino Sumo Robot:


  • Arduino Uno or similar board
  • Motor driver board (L298N or similar)
  • Ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04 or similar)
  • Motors and wheels
  • Chassis (can be 3D printed or made from other materials)
  • Battery pack or power source
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard (optional)


  1. Build the chassis: The first step is to build the chassis for the robot. This can be done using a 3D printer or other materials such as plastic or wood. The chassis should be designed to accommodate the motors, wheels, battery pack, and other components.

  2. Install the motors and wheels: Install the motors and wheels onto the chassis. Make sure the motors are securely attached and that the wheels can rotate freely.

  3. Connect the motor driver: Connect the motor driver board to the Arduino board using jumper wires. The motor driver board should have input pins for controlling the direction and speed of the motors.

  4. Connect the ultrasonic sensors: Connect the ultrasonic sensors to the Arduino board using jumper wires. The sensors should be placed in front of the robot to detect the opponent robot.

  5. Program the Arduino: Write the program for the Arduino using the Arduino IDE. The program should include code for controlling the motors and reading the ultrasonic sensors. The basic idea is to move the robot towards the opponent robot and push it out of the ring.

  6. Test the robot: Test the robot to ensure that it is functioning as expected. Make sure the motors are turning in the correct direction and that the ultrasonic sensors are detecting the opponent robot.

  7. Fine-tune the robot: Fine-tune the robot by adjusting the program and making any necessary modifications to the hardware. This may involve adjusting the motor speed, sensor sensitivity, or adding additional sensors or components.

  8. Compete: Once the robot is functioning as expected, it's time to compete! Find a friend or other robot enthusiast to compete against and see whose robot is the strongest!

Keep in mind that this is just a general overview of the steps involved in making an Arduino Sumo Robot. The specific details of the project will depend on the materials used, the programming skills of the maker, and other factors. But with a little creativity and perseverance, anyone can make an awesome Arduino Sumo Robot!


Building a Sumo robot can be a fun and challenging project using an Arduino. Here's a sample code that you can use as a starting point for your own Sumo robot:

// Include required libraries

// Define motor pins
const int leftMotorPin1 = 6;
const int leftMotorPin2 = 5;
const int rightMotorPin1 = 11;
const int rightMotorPin2 = 10;

// Define servo pin
const int servoPin = 9;

// Define sensor pins
const int leftSensorPin = A0;
const int rightSensorPin = A1;

// Define sensor threshold values
const int leftSensorThreshold = 300;
const int rightSensorThreshold = 300;

// Initialize servo object
Servo servo;

void setup() {
  // Set motor pins as outputs
  pinMode(leftMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotorPin2, OUTPUT);

  // Attach servo to servo pin

  // Initialize serial communication

void loop() {
  // Read sensor values
  int leftSensorValue = analogRead(leftSensorPin);
  int rightSensorValue = analogRead(rightSensorPin);

  // Print sensor values to serial monitor
  Serial.print("Left sensor: ");
  Serial.print(", Right sensor: ");

  // If left sensor detects opponent, turn right
  if (leftSensorValue < leftSensorThreshold) {
  // If right sensor detects opponent, turn left
  else if (rightSensorValue < rightSensorThreshold) {
  // Otherwise, move forward
  else {

// Function to move forward
void moveForward() {
  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin2, LOW);

// Function to turn left
void turnLeft() {
  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin2, LOW);

// Function to turn right
void turnRight() {
  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin2, HIGH);

In this code, we are using two IR sensors to detect the opponent robot and two DC motors to move the robot. We are also using a servo motor to lift the front of the robot to push the opponent robot out of the ring.

In the setup() function, we set the motor pins as outputs, attach the servo to the servo pin, and initialize the serial communication.

In the loop() function, we read the sensor values using the analogRead() function and print them to the serial monitor. We then check if the left or right sensor detects the opponent robot by comparing the sensor values to their respective threshold values. If an opponent is detected, we turn the robot to face the opponent using the turnLeft() or turnRight() functions. Otherwise, we move the robot forward using the moveForward() function.

The moveForward() function sets the motor pins to move both motors forward.

The turnLeft() function sets the motor pins to turn the robot left and sets the servo to lift the front

Further Reading:

For further information and examples, Please visit[ course in production]

Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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