Comprehensive C# Tuples Tutorial for Beginners

20 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C# (C Sharp)

C# Tuples

C# Tuples are a concise way of representing multiple related objects as a single unit. Tuples are helpful when you need to return multiple values from a method, or when you need to represent a set of data elements which have logical relationships. Tuples allow you to quickly create an object that contains multiple items without having to create a specific type for each one.

The most common form of C# Tuple is the ValueTuple, which is lightweight and contains two or more cryptographic objects which can be accessed through their ItemN properties. For example, if you wanted to store a string, an int, and a DateTime in a tuple, you could do so as follows:

var tuple = (stringValue: "Hello World!", intValue: 10, dateValue: DateTime.Now); 

// Accessing values from the tuple 
Console.WriteLine(tuple.stringValue); // Outputs "Hello World!" 
Console.WriteLine(tuple.intValue); // Outputs 10 
Console.WriteLine(tuple.dateValue); // Outputs the current date and time 

Tuples can also contain multiple object types. For example, you can create a tuple that contains a string and a list of integers:

var tuple = (stringValue: "Hello World!", intList: new List<int> { 10, 20, 30 }); 

//Accessing values from the tuple 
Console.WriteLine(tuple.stringValue); // Outputs "Hello World!" 
foreach (int i in tuple.intList) 
    Console.WriteLine(i); // Outputs 10, 20, and 30 

Tuples are also useful when you don’t want to create a class for every combination of types. For example, you can use tuples instead of classes to group data into related sets, such as when you need to represent a database table.

Overall, C# Tuples provide a convenient way of working with multiple values without having to define a specific type for each one. They are simple to use, lightweight, and can help reduce code clutter.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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