Optimizing Cache Policy for Improved Performance in ARM Processors

01 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 ARM

Cache Policy in ARM Processor

ARM processors are incredibly efficient and powerful, making them a popular choice for embedded and mobile applications. In order to maximize performance, ARM processors use different types of caches and cache policies. Understanding ARM's cache policy can help you better optimize your application for the best performance.

What Is a Cache?

A cache is a piece of memory that resides near the processor and serves as an intermediary between main system memory and the processor core. Its purpose is to speed up access to frequently used data by storing a copy of it close to the processor. This way, the processor can quickly retrieve data from the cache instead of having to go to main system memory.

Types of Cache in ARM Processors

ARM processors usually contain two types of caching: Level 1 (L1) and Level 2 (L2). L1 caches are typically small and fast, while L2 caches are larger but slightly slower than L1. In addition, ARM processors may include a third type of caching called level 3 (L3) caches.

Cache Policies in ARM Processors

ARM processors employ different cache policies to determine how data is stored in the cache. These policies include write-through, write-back, and write-around. The most commonly used policy is write-back, which writes data to the cache and then eventually writes it back to main memory. Write-through policy immediately writes data to both the cache and main memory. Write-around only stores data in the cache and never writes it back to main memory.


Understanding ARM's cache policy helps you optimize your application for the highest performance. By utilizing the various cache policies available in ARM processors, you can ensure your application is running smoothly and efficiently.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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