Crafting Timelines in Flutter: A Step by Step Guide

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Andriod

Crafting Timelines in Flutter

Flutter is an open source, cross platform mobile development SDK created by Google for the development of advanced, modern mobile applications. With its powerful capabilities and attractive UI design, Flutter applications are becoming increasingly popular among developers. One key capability of Flutter is the ability to create complex, interactive timelines with ease.

Creating a Timeline in Flutter

The first step to creating a timeline in Flutter is to use the Timeline widget. This allows you to define the duration of your timeline, add items to it, and set up event handlers. Here's an example of how to define a timeline:

final timeline = Timeline(
    duration: Duration(seconds: 10),
    items: [
            text: "First Step",
            action: () {
                // Do something
            text: "Second Step",
            action: () {
                // Do something

The Timeline widget provides an easy way to define the duration of the timeline and add items to it. Items can be anything from simple text to more complex objects such as buttons and other interactive elements. Each item is represented by a TimelineStep object that must contain a text field and an action field. The text field contains the text to be displayed on the timeline, while the action field is a function that will be called when the user interacts with the item.

Once the timeline has been defined, it needs to be rendered. This is done using the TimelineBuilder widget. This widget takes a timeline parameter which should be the timeline that was defined earlier. It also takes a builder parameter which is a function that will be called for each item in the timeline. This function should return a widget that will be used to render the item.

For example, here is a TimelineBuilder that renders a simple text widget for each item in the timeline:

    timeline: timeline,
    builder: (context, item) {
        return Text(item.text);

As you can see, creating and rendering a timeline in Flutter is relatively easy. With the Timeline and TimelineBuilder widgets, you can quickly create sophisticated, interactive timelines that look great on any device.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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