Make a Fan Controller with Arduino
Make a Fan Controller with Arduino
Making a fan controller with Arduino is a great way to customize your cooling system and get the most out of your PC. With just a few components and some simple coding, you can create a programmable fan controller that can be adjusted to your needs.
To make a fan controller, you will need an Arduino board, a few resistors, and a few transistors. You’ll also need a suitable power supply, such as a 12V DC adapter, or a battery. You will also need a screwdriver to mount your components.
Step 1: Wire Up the Components
Once you have all the components, the first step is to connect them correctly. Start by connecting the power supply to the Arduino’s 5V pin, then connect the resistors and transistors in the correct manner. Make sure every component is securely connected, then move onto the next step.
Step 2: Program the Arduino Board
Once the components are connected, you can begin programming the Arduino board. Depending on what type of fan controller you want to make, the code will vary. However, the basics remain the same. You will need to write a program that reads the inputs from the fan control switches and adjusts the fan speed accordingly.
Step 3: Test the Fan Controller
Once your Arduino board is programmed, it’s time to test it out. Connect the fan to the fan port on the Arduino board, and turn it on. If everything is working correctly, the fan speed should adjust as you toggle the fan control switches.
Step 4: Mount Everything in Place
Finally, you can mount your fan controller in place. Secure the Arduino board and the power supply to a convenient location, and make sure all the components are firmly in place. Once everything is secured, your fan controller is ready to use.
Making a fan controller with Arduino is a great way to customize your cooling system and get the most out of your PC. With just a few components and some simple coding, you can create a programmable fan controller that can be adjusted to your needs.
Here is an example source code for making a fan controller with Arduino:
#define FAN_PIN 9 // PWM pin for controlling fan speed
#define TEMPERATURE_PIN A0 // analog pin for reading temperature
#define MIN_TEMPERATURE 20 // minimum temperature in Celsius
#define MAX_TEMPERATURE 30 // maximum temperature in Celsius
#define MIN_SPEED 0 // minimum fan speed (0-255)
#define MAX_SPEED 255 // maximum fan speed (0-255)
void setup() {
pinMode(FAN_PIN, OUTPUT); // set fan pin as output
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication
void loop() {
int temperature = analogRead(TEMPERATURE_PIN); // read the value from the temperature pin
float celsius = map(temperature, 0, 1023, 0, 500) / 10.0; // convert the value to Celsius
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.println(" °C");
if (celsius <= MIN_TEMPERATURE) {
analogWrite(FAN_PIN, MIN_SPEED); // set fan speed to minimum if temperature is below minimum
} else if (celsius >= MAX_TEMPERATURE) {
analogWrite(FAN_PIN, MAX_SPEED); // set fan speed to maximum if temperature is above maximum
} else {
int speed = map(celsius, MIN_TEMPERATURE, MAX_TEMPERATURE, MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED); // calculate fan speed based on temperature
analogWrite(FAN_PIN, speed); // set fan speed based on temperature
delay(1000); // delay for one second before reading temperature again
In this example, a fan is connected to the Arduino PWM pin 9 for controlling the speed, and a temperature sensor is connected to the analog pin A0 for measuring the temperature.
In the setup() function, the fan pin is set as an output, and serial communication is initialized at a baud rate of 9600.
In the loop() function, the analogRead() function is used to read the value from the temperature pin. The map() function is used to convert the value to Celsius.
The temperature in Celsius is then printed to the serial monitor using the Serial.print() function.
The if-else statements are used to set the fan speed based on the temperature. If the temperature is below the minimum temperature, the fan speed is set to the minimum speed. If the temperature is above the maximum temperature, the fan speed is set to the maximum speed. Otherwise, the map() function is used to calculate the fan speed based on the temperature.
Finally, the fan speed is set using the analogWrite() function, and the delay() function is used to wait for one second before reading the temperature again.