How to Create a Sudoku Game in Python

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

How to Create a Sudoku Game in Python

Sudoku is one of the most popular logic puzzles and can be found in many different forms. Creating a Sudoku game in Python is a great way to practice your coding skills while also having fun! This tutorial will teach you how to create your own Sudoku game in Python, complete with random board generation, validation checks, and hints.

Step 1: Setup

To get started, you’ll need to have a few packages installed: Pandas, NumPy, and Tkinter. Once you have these packages installed, create a new directory to store all the files you’ll be working with. You will also need to create four files: for the main code, for the board classes, for the solving algorithms, and for the graphical user interface.

Step 2: Create the Sudoku Board Class

The next step is to construct the board class. This class will contain methods for creating and validating a sudoku board. This class should also track hints and errors. Start by initializing the board class with a 9×9 grid of zeros. Then, create functions for setting and getting values from specific cells. It’s also a good idea to create a function that prints the board out in a readable format.

Step 3: Generate Random Boards

Once you have the board class set up, it’s time to generate random boards. This is where the Pandas library comes in. You can use it to randomly select cells to populate with numbers. To do this, create a function that takes in a size parameter, which determines the size of the board. Then, set up a loop that randomly selects cells and assigns them values between 1 and 9.

Step 4: Validate Boards

Once you have generated a board, you’ll need to validate it. This means checking to see if the board is sudoku-compliant (i.e. each row, column, and 3×3 square contains all the digits from 1 to 9). To do this, use the NumPy library to create 3x3 “views” of the board and then check that each view contains all the digits from 1 to 9. If not, the board is invalid and must be regenerated.

Step 5: Create Solving Algorithms

Now that the board is validated, it’s time to create algorithms to solve it. Start with the most basic algorithm: a backtracking search. This algorithm works by attempting to fill in values in the board and then backtracking when it encounters an invalid board. Then, move on to more advanced solving techniques, such as constraint propagation and heuristic search algorithms.

Step 6: Create GUI

The last step is to create a graphical user interface so the user can play the game. To do this, use the Tkinter library. Create a window for the board and create methods for entering and validating values. Then, create buttons for hint and error tracking. Finally, add a menu for solving the board and displaying the solution.


Congratulations! You now know how to create a Sudoku game in Python. You’ve learned how to generate random boards, validate them, and create algorithms to solve them. You’ve also created a graphical user interface that allows the user to play the game. With all these tools, you’re ready to create your own Sudoku game in Python and start enjoying all the fun of this classic puzzle.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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