Creating and Using Makefiles in Linux

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Linux

What is a Makefile in Linux?

A makefile in Linux is a text file that contains instructions for the make command. This command is used to create executable programs from source code. The makefile contains rules, which are written in the form of targets and dependencies. Each target is associated with a set of commands that are executed when the target is called upon.

How Does a Makefile Work?

The make command reads the makefile and checks to see if any of the targets are outdated. If they are, then it compiles the code to generate an executable program. This process is known as "building". The make command looks at the dependencies of each target and sees if they need to be rebuilt as well. If they do, the make command will compile them as well.

Why Is Makefile Used?

Makefiles are used to automate the compilation process of software projects. Without a makefile, the developer would have to manually compile each component separately, which is time-consuming and prone to mistakes. Using a makefile allows developers to easily build their software projects without having to worry about the compilation process.

How To Create a Makefile?

Creating a makefile can be done by using a text editor. Many modern Linux distributions come with integrated development environments (IDEs) that include makefile templates or wizards. Once the makefile template or wizard is filled out, the make command can be used to compile the software project.


A makefile in Linux is a text file that contains instructions for the make command. It is used to automate the compilation process of software projects. The make command reads the makefile, checks for outdated targets, and compiles them as needed. Creating a makefile can be done with a text editor or an IDE.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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