What CSS Skills Should You Learn in 2023-24?
What CSS Do You Absolutely Have to Know in 2023-24?
CSS is a foundational building block of modern websites. If you're a web developer, it's essential to keep up with the latest changes and trends in CSS so you can build the best sites for your clients. Here's what you need to know about CSS in 2023-24.
Flexbox and Grid Layouts
Flexbox and Grid are two of the most popular ways to organize content on a page in CSS. Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system that allows you to arrange elements in rows or columns. Grid is a two-dimensional layout system that allows you more control over the placement and size of elements on a page. Both are essential for creating modern, responsive designs.
Responsive Design
Responsive design is a must for any modern website. It ensures that your site looks great on any device, from phones and tablets to desktop computers. This requires knowing how to use media queries, flexbox, and grid layouts correctly so your site responds to different viewport sizes.
CSS Animations
Modern websites often use animation to add visual interest and subtle effects. CSS animations let you create complex animations without the need for JavaScript. Learning how to use them will let you bring your designs to life and make your pages stand out.
CSS Variables
CSS variables let you store values in one location and reuse them throughout your stylesheet. This makes it easy to update multiple rules at once and can make your code more efficient and maintainable. This is a trend that's only getting bigger in the coming years.
CSS Preprocessors
CSS preprocessors extend the capabilities of vanilla CSS by allowing you to write code more quickly and efficiently. Popular preprocessors like Sass and Less offer a variety of features such as variables, nesting, and functions. These tools are becoming increasingly important for developers in 2023-2024.