Get Creative with CSS Gradient Shadows

26 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 MERN Full Stack

Different Ways to Get CSS Gradient Shadows

CSS gradients are a great way to add depth, texture, and interest to your web designs. But you can take it one step further by using them to create stunning shadows as well. In this article, we’ll explore three different ways to get CSS gradient shadows in your projects.

1. Using a Linear-Gradient Function

The first and arguably most straightforward way to create a CSS gradient shadow is with a linear-gradient function. This method involves creating two layers of color – one for the shadow and one for the background, and using the linear-gradient property to blend them together. To get started, simply declare the linear-gradient in your CSS like so:

background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(#000000, 0.5) 0%, rgba(#FFFFFF, 0.5) 100%);

In this example, we're using the rgba() color notation to specify two colors at different levels of opacity. This creates a subtle yet effective shadow effect.

2. Using a Radial-Gradient Function

You can also use a radial-gradient function to create CSS gradient shadows. This approach is slightly different from the linear-gradient method, as it creates a more organic, “blurry” shadow effect. It’s also a great option if you want to create a non-standard shadow effect. Here’s how you would write the code for this approach:

background: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(#000000, 0.5) 0%, rgba(#FFFFFF, 0.5) 100%);

This time, we're using the circle keyword to indicate that we want the gradient to spread out in a circular fashion, rather than linearly. The result is a soft shadow effect that gives your design a natural, inviting look.

3. Using Multiple Backgrounds

Finally, you can also create CSS gradient shadows with multiple backgrounds. This approach involves adding an extra background layer above the main background and then giving it a radial-gradient property. Here’s what the code for this looks like:

background: #000000 url('bg.png') center top no-repeat; 
background: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(#000000, 0.5) 0%, rgba(#FFFFFF, 0.5) 100%) center top;

In this example, we’re using two backgrounds – one for the main background image, and one for the radial-gradient. By combining these two elements, you can create a truly unique shadow effect that really stands out.


As you can see, there are a number of different ways to get CSS gradients shadows in your projects. Whether you want a subtle, linear-gradient effect or a more organic, radial-gradient effect, there’s a solution out there for you. Have fun experimenting with these techniques and see what kind of stunning shadows you can create!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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