Exploring Templates in C++

03 Aug 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 C++

Exploring Templates in C++

Templates are an incredibly powerful feature of the C++ programming language. They allow us to write code that can be used for multiple data types, including built-in types (like integers and strings) as well as user-defined types (like classes and structs). This makes templates a great tool for improving code reuse and making programs more extensible.

Purpose of Templates

The primary purpose of templates is to be able to create generic functions and classes so that they can be reused across multiple projects and with different data types. This allows developers to create algorithms that are flexible and can be used in many different contexts.

Template Syntax

When creating a template in C++, the syntax is quite similar to that of regular functions and classes. The only difference is that we specify the type parameter after the keyword "template" and within angle brackets. For example, a simple template class might look like this:

class MyClass { 
    T value; 

This specifies that our class will have a single member variable, called "value", which can be of any type that is specified when creating an instance of the class. In this case, we use the keyword "typename" to indicate that we are specifying a type rather than a variable or something else.

Template Specialization

Sometimes, we may want to specialize certain templates by providing specific behavior for certain types. We can do this by creating specializations of our template types. To create a specialization, we use the same syntax as before, but add an additional type parameter after the template keyword.

class MyClass { 
    T first; 
    U second;

In this example, we have created a specialized version of our class which contains two member variables, one of type T and one of type U. By creating this specialization, we can now create instances of our class with different types for each member variable.

Using Templates

Once we have defined our templates, we can then use them in our code. To do this, we just need to specify the type parameters when creating an instance of our template type. For example, if we had created a template class as shown above, we could then create an instance of it like this:

MyClass<int, string> myObject;

This would create an instance of our template class, with the "first" member variable being an integer and the "second" member variable being a string.


Templates in C++ are a powerful tool for creating generic algorithms and classes that can be used with multiple data types. By understanding the syntax and how to use them, we can create code that is more reusable and extensible.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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