Exploring TypeScript – A Revolutionary Way to Code in JavaScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Exploring TypeScript – A New Way to Code JavaScript

Are you looking for a new way to code JavaScript that offers more structure and better code management? Then look no further than TypeScript! TypeScript is an open source programming language created by Microsoft and is designed for large-scale application development. It is a superset of JavaScript that adds features such as static typing, classes, modules, and interfaces.

What are the Benefits of Using TypeScript?

When using TypeScript to create complex applications, you can benefit from faster development times, improved readability, and stronger type checking. The language has features designed to help you write safer code with fewer errors and provides you with a better understanding of how the code works. In addition, TypeScript is easily compatible with existing JavaScript libraries and frameworks, so you can use it to build on top of those preexisting tools.

How is TypeScript Different from JavaScript?

Although TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, there are several key differences between them. One of the main differences is that TypeScript uses static typing which allows your code to be more efficient and concise. With static typing, variable types can be declared ahead of time rather than being inferred by the code. This helps keep your code clean and improves organization. Another difference is that TypeScript supports classes, modules, and interfaces; features that are not supported in JavaScript.

Is TypeScript Easy to Learn?

If you are already familiar with JavaScript, then learning TypeScript should not be difficult. Since TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, it has all the same basic syntax and features. The additional features of TypeScript are easy to learn and can be mastered quickly. If you are completely new to programming, then learning TypeScript alongside JavaScript may be beneficial to get the most out of the language.


TypeScript provides a powerful and versatile language for creating complex applications. It is easy to learn and offers better readability and stronger type-checking than JavaScript. If you’re looking for a new way to code JavaScript, give TypeScript a try!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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