Frelatage v0.1 Releases – The Coverage-Based Python Fuzzing Library

25 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Frelatage: Coverage-Based Python Fuzzing Library Released

We’re proud to announce the release of Frelatage, an open source coverage-based fuzzing library for Python. Frelatage offers a range of features for finding novel inputs that can trigger code errors, including a powerful code coverage analysis engine and a set of mutators to automatically generate new and potentially dangerous payloads.

Why Use Frelatage?

Frelatage is designed to make fuzzing easier and more efficient. With Frelatage, you can quickly identify vulnerabilities in your code by using its comprehensive code coverage analysis tools. These can be used to ensure that your code is properly tested and to identify potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, Frelatage's mutators can automatically generate new payloads to help uncover previously undetected bugs or security holes.

Key Features

  • Coverage-based fuzzing: Frelatage's code coverage analysis tools allow you to quickly identify potential vulnerabilities and issues in your code.
  • Powerful mutation engine: Frelatage's mutation engine can automatically generate new payloads, helping to uncover previously undiscovered bugs or security holes.
  • Comprehensive documentation: Frelatage includes complete documentation and tutorials to help you quickly get up and running.
  • Flexible API: Frelatage provides a flexible API so you can easily integrate it into your own applications.

We're excited to see what you do with Frelatage! To get started, head over to the GitHub repository to download the latest version and check out the documentation.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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